Derinlikler Art Gallery hosts Işıl Gönen’s new solo show “Eachone is within Oneself” between February 12 – March 7, 2015. Gönen’s “Previous, Last…Inside” trilogy, which we saw the first part in 2011 and the second in 2012, this time will be completed by saying “Eachone is within Oneself“.
In her paintings Gönen tells us is the story of “leaving family home and taking the road to desert“, which is told in every ancient cultural tradition throughout history, is that the process of self-actualization through myths/archetypes.
Myths are common dreams, experiences and images that human inner resources represent. Jung describes myths as “fundamental existence stories” and agents of archetypes and Joseph Campbell says myths are the metaphors of human inner potentials. Gönen presents us the contact of her dreams to the myths that are named “common dreams” with the company of the İbn Arabi’s Fusus al-hikam (The Ringstones of Wisdom).
The patterns that Gonen uses are processed by ancient words and symbols and also the tissue surfaces she uses recall us eternal stone walls which refer to mythic time. The symbolic expression she uses points out the road signs and milestones of the process of individualization which Jung describes as a journey of discovery to the unconscious.
In this exhibition, her experimental material usage (like emulsion, sand, tulle, felt, leather, wood and feather) is remarkable and strengthening the symbolic language in her paintings
Işıl Gönen, 1977 İstanbul
After Fine Arts High School education, she graduated from Mimar Sinan University Faculty of Fine Arts, Painting Department, in 2000.